The community college has met the regulatory requirements for public notification for career and technical education and employment opportunities.

If you have not downloaded the Civil Rights Self-Assessment Form you should do so now. You will need to fill out the form as you answer questions in the Standards pages.

Download the Civil Rights Self-Assessment Form

What legislation authorizes this standard?

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (ref. 1) (ref. 2)
Sect. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (ref.1) (ref. 2)
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (ref. 1) (ref. 2)
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Guidelines for Vocational Education Programs (ref.1) (ref. 2) (ref. 3)

View more information and answer questions about each area by clicking on the title below.

[accordion clicktoclose=true tag=h3]

[accordion-item title="1. The community college should have an annual notice of non-discrimination."]

  1. Does the community college have an annual notice which:
    1. States that the community college does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability?
    2. States that non-discrimination applies to all areas of the community college?
    3. Names the Title IX Coordinator and/or Section 504 Coordinator?
    4. Gives the address and telephone number of the Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator?
    5. Directs persons with concerns about non-discrimination to contact the Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator?
    6. States that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in educational programs?
    7. Has a brief description of program offerings and admission criteria?
  2. Are the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator(s) informed of their duties and adequately trained to coordinate the responsibilities on behalf of the community college?


[accordion-item title="2. The community college should disseminate the notice of non-discrimination annually to students, parents, employees, and the general public."]

  1. Does the community college disseminate the notice on an annual basis, prior to the beginning of each school year, to students, parents, employees, and the general public?


[accordion-item title="3. The community college should determine the primary languages of the community, translate the annual notice of non-discrimination into the language(s), and disseminate it widely."]

  1. Does the community college have a process for determining the primary languages of the community?
  2. Does the community college consider data beyond the community college demographics to determine the primary languages spoken in the district?
  3. Is the annual notice of non-discrimination translated into the primary languages and disseminated?


[accordion-item title="4. The community college should develop the annual notice of non-discrimination in multiple formats that are accessible to persons with disabilities, such as persons with auditory or visual disabilities."]

  1. Does the community college produce materials such as application forms, bulletins, brochures, catalogs, and promotional materials in multiple formats (e.g., Braille, large print, and audio)?
  2. Is the annual notice of non-discrimination on all of the materials produced in multiple formats?


[accordion-item title="5. The community college should provide a continuous statement of non-discrimination on public documents."]

  1. Does the community college display the statement in each announcement, bulletin, and publication used to notify applicants, students, employees, partnering organizations such as work study employers or professional organizations, and parents?
  2. Is the statement accessible to individuals with disabilities, including those with impaired vision or hearing?

